
Sessões de esclarecimento de dúvidas

11 janeiro 2021, 15:42 Alda Simões

Alda Simões:
Quarta-feira, 13, 12:00-13:00 h 

Quinta-feira, 14, 12:00 - 13:00
Sexta-feira, 15, 14:30 - 15:30

O Link está disponível na pasta respectiva.

Tereza Reis:
Terça-feira, 12, 16:00-16:50 h
Quinta-feira, 14, 16:00-16:50 h
Sexta-feira, 15, 18:00-19:00 h

Tutoring session - in English

11 janeiro 2021, 15:36 Alda Simões

Friday, 15, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

A further session can be arranged, if needed.

Structure and rules for the Exam and 2nd test

11 janeiro 2021, 15:13 Alda Simões

Test 2:
Subjects covered: The test will focus on the chapters excluded from the first test, i.e., Flowmeters, Turbulent flow and the boundary layer, flow past immersed objects, and Heat transfer. However, please note that knowledge of the previous chapters is assumed, as some of it is essential for the understanding of the laws governing the physical processes; this is particularly relevant in what concerns overall balances, Hydrostatics, Viscosity and Rheology.

The test will consist of two parts. Part A consists of multiple choice questions (typically 8-10 questions), in which only one answer is correct. The questions are either qualitative or involving very simple calculations, while the use of calculators is not allowed. Also, during the resolution of part A, only the paper with the questions can be used. Calculations can be done freely on that paper, while the answer needs to be clearly marked as a circle around the chosen answer (a, b, c...). Wrong answers give negative mark, with the following rule: if a right answer gives x points and if the total number of choices are n, then a wrong answer gives - x/(n-1).
Part B consists of two problems, in which a practical situation is treated. 

The exam covers all the subjects treated in the course. The structure is essentially the same as described for the test.
Please note that in the second test and also in the exam, scientific calculators are the only ones allowed.

Students allowed to take the test remotely: part A shall be made using the Socrative platform, with the answers being given online; part B is presented with Socrative and the result are submitted online, while the sheet with the calculations and full answers are to scanned and uploaded onto the Fenix platform. 

Meeting MEGE students

17 dezembro 2020, 17:43 Alda Simões

For our meeting today at 6 pm:

Topic: My Meeting
Time: Dec 17, 2020 18:00 London 
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:    Password: 765943 

This meeting has a waiting room.

Revisão de provas

16 dezembro 2020, 12:22 Alda Simões

Os testes poderão ser consultados presencialmente, na sexta-feira, dia 18/12, no periodo 11:00 - 12:00. Os interessados deverão fazer agendamento, por email. Será atendido um aluno de cada vez, com hora marcada.

Local: laboratório no ultimo piso do Pav de Química.
Em alternativa , será possível esclarecer dúvidas sobre a classificação, por reunião remota, agendada também individualmente.