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[E3]: Grades

23 julho 2021, 16:15 Rui Castro

The grades of Exam#3 (E3) are now available, as well as the grades' details. 

Also, the full exam key is also available.

Questions regarding the exam should be addressed to Prof. Hugo Morais (hugo.morais@tecnico.ulisboa.pt) by email, with me (rcastro@tecnico.ulisboa.pt) in CC. 

I plan to upload the final grades to the administrative office on July 27.

So, any questions regarding the grades should be posted by mail before that date.

[E3]: Special season exam instructions

14 julho 2021, 16:16

Final Grades

9 fevereiro 2021, 22:43

E2 - Grades

3 fevereiro 2021, 19:55

E1 Grades - Correction

17 janeiro 2021, 16:57

Corpo Docente

Rui Castro



Hugo Gabriel Valente Morais