Últimos anúncios

Presentation of Business plans

27 novembro 2014, 15:51 Maria Luisa Coutinho Gomes de Almeida


On December 11th it will take place the presentation of the business plans.


Each group will bring an A0 poster outlining their business idea.


In case you need a table,eg for a computer, to display prototypes, samples, please inform stm@tecnico.ulisboa.pt and lquintino@tecnico.ulisboa.pt


The schedule of the event is:


8.30- Get together, orgainisation of posters and tables


9.30 – Pitch


10.30 -  Question from investors


11.300- Questions from the other groups(investors)


12.30 –End


On December 15th, from 12.30 to 14.00 all students need to come to the lecture. A survey of the groups’ investment decisions will take place as well as an evaluation of the work developed and the presentation event.




Entrega Business Plans

20 novembro 2014, 13:33


2 outubro 2014, 10:42

Alteração de sala de aula

19 setembro 2014, 09:50

Inicio aulas

9 setembro 2014, 16:13

Corpo Docente

Maria Luisa Coutinho Gomes de Almeida

