
Biological Reactors - Stirring, mixing and oxygen transfer:

10 março 2016, 10:00 Frederico Castelo Ferreira

Biological Reactors - Stirring, mixing and oxygen transfer: Microorganism diversity and environmental Conditions for microorganism’s growth. Oxygen Solubility in water.  Mass Transfer and Movement of fluids: Mass transfer Definitions (Molecular Diffusion, Convective Mass Transfer, film theory, driving force, Fick law, diffusion coefficient, mass transfer coefficient ). Gas-Liquid film mass transfer. Partial pressure, dissolved oxygen and Henry law. Oxygen transfer. KLa concept and equation gas-liquid oxygen transfer equation. Examples of exercises

T1 - Penicillin Acylase production - Session II

9 março 2016, 10:30 Frederico Castelo Ferreira

T1 - Session II: Start-up of a bioreactor with inoculum of Escherichia coliATCC 9637, cell growth monitoring of operating parameters and sampling of the culture medium. Determination of biomass. Shift 2

Biological Reactors - bioprocess stoichiometry and kinetics (cont)

8 março 2016, 11:00 Frederico Castelo Ferreira

Biological Reactors - bioprocess stoichiometry and kinetics (cont) : Culture regimes (Batch, fedbatch, continuous with cell retention). Mass balance – Chemostat. Chemostat with cell retention, Chemostat with cell recycle. Mass balance – Two stage chemostat system. Examples of exercises

T1 - Penicillin Acylase production - Session I

7 março 2016, 10:00 Frederico Castelo Ferreira

T1 - Penicillin Acylase production  - Session I. Preparation of a bioreactor for controlled cell culture in batch. Shift 2

Semana da Bioengenharia

3 março 2016, 10:00 Helena Maria Pinheiro

Semana da Bioengenharia