

1 março 2023, 09:33 Miguel Amaral

Dear Students, in two days we will have our next lecture and there are no teams registered in Fenix yet. Are you experiencing any problems with the registration process? If yes just send me an email.

Please register your team as soon as possible (before our lecture Friday)


Team formation in Fenix

27 fevereiro 2023, 13:44 Miguel Amaral

Dear Students,

The platform for creating the teams is now open in Fenix. 

Please build your teams according to the specific practical shift/room in which you are registered (Friday Room V1.10 or Room V1.15)

Teams should have 5 members originating from different countries, academic backgrounds, etc. Team heterogeneity will be very important for the success of your projects. 

Miguel Amaral

Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Course Syllabus

27 fevereiro 2023, 13:21 Miguel Amaral

Dear Students,

Welcome to our new Semester and to the Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Course! 

The Course Syllabus is available here. Please read it carefully as it contains all the information you need regarding your work for the next months.
