Please submit the game treatment (required) and your final prototype (required) to the following Google drive folder, as well as an updated version of your high concept document if it was changed (optional):
(you will need to be signed in with you Fénix account)

Suggested structure for your Game Treatment:

Game Treatment
Title page
Executive summary
1. Game overview (MEIC)
2. Development plan (MEIC)
3. Business plan (This is a section that will be submitted by MEGI students)

1. Game Overview (MEIC, max 10 pages)
  • Section introduction
  • Game idea, experience and design goals
  • Genre, hooks and unique selling points
  • Gameplay highlights
  • Technology highlights
  • Art and audio highlights
  • Player target and player progression
  • Game world, story and characters
  • Section summary
2. Development Plan (MEIC, max 5 pages)
  • Section introduction
  • Current status
  • Development team
  • Development schedule
  • Section summary
Important notes: Notice that the "game overview" part of the game treatment is essentially a slightly expanded high concept. Most of the sections are actually sections also from the High Concept document (game idea, experience, design goals, genre, hooks, unique selling points, gameplay highlights/features). Recommended sections such as "Technology Highlight", "Art and Audio Highlights", "Game world, story and characters" only make sense for certain games. If it does not in the case of your game, skip them. The development plan refers to the final game (imagining the game would be developed in the future). Finally, the number of pages is the maximum number of pages (roughly one page per section) not the required number of pages, to prevent you from going on a "writing spree". The document is also expected to have a lot of illustrations from your game in the different sections: it is a very visual industry.