(Wednesday) VC Problem class link and info

17 março 2020, 20:24 S M Sohel Murshed

As informed before, we are going to start VC lectures using ZOOM/Colibri platform tomorrow and will continue until further notice. Tomorrow's VC problem class is intended for Shift PB05 only and will start at 12:00 (for 30 minutes). However, from Wednesday , 25th March the VC Problem class will start at 11:30 (for both PB04 and PB05 shifts) and there will be no problem class on Tuesday. 


You can join the VC Problem class through the below info and link as well as other options:


Topic: AHT/CTC Problem class(Wed)

Time: 12:00 PM Lisbon

Meeting ID: 354-446-128


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


Password: CTCal20p


Or iPhone one-tap:  308804188,354446128# or 308810988,354446128#


Or Telephone:

    Dial: +351 308 804 188 (Portugal Toll) or +351 308 810 988 (Portugal Toll)

    Meeting ID: 354 446 128 

    International numbers available: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/u/afcfbdpHc


Or a H.323/SIP room system:

    H.323: (US West) or (US East) 

    Meeting ID: 354 446 128

    Password: 646067


    SIP: 354446128@zoomcrc.com

    Password: 646067



Best regards,