
Finite Volume Method in 2D Unsteady Problems

15 maio 2019, 12:00 Gonçalo Nuno Guerreiro de Jesus Silva

Discretization of bulk, source, and boundary terms in 2D unsteady-state heat conduction problem. Partial solution of Problem 9 [(a)] and [plus (b) and (g) explained and solution made available online]

Finite Volume Method Discretization: Solution Method and Time-Dependent Problems

15 maio 2019, 09:30 Gonçalo Nuno Guerreiro de Jesus Silva

Methods of solution in FVM problems: Direct Inversion and TDMA Methods.
Time-Dependent Discretization in FVM problems: Explicit, Semi-Implicit and Fully Implicit Methods.

Finite Volume Method in 2D Unsteady Problems

14 maio 2019, 10:00 Gonçalo Nuno Guerreiro de Jesus Silva

Discretization of bulk, source, and boundary terms in 2D unsteady-state heat conduction problem. Partial solution of Problem 9 [(a)] and [plus (b) and (g) explained and solution made available online]

Finite Volume Method Discretization: Bulk, Source Term, and Boundary

13 maio 2019, 12:30 Gonçalo Nuno Guerreiro de Jesus Silva

Discretization of bulk, source, and boundary terms in 1D steady-state heat conduction problem. Formulation of Dirchlet, Neumann and Robin Boundary Conditions in FVM framework. Solution of problem 8 [(b) and (d)]

Heat Transfer Test with Boiling and Condensation

13 maio 2019, 08:30 S M Sohel Murshed

Brief discussion on the laboratory topics which are boiling and condensation and objectives. Then introducing components/devices of the experimental setup and data acquisition and demonstrating on how to perform the experiment in the first part. In the second part, monitoring students performing the experiments and verifying results.