
Exame Época Especial

7 julho 2021, 15:06 Nuno Santos

Caros alunos

Para todos os alunos inscritos na época especial, por favor agradeço que me enviem um email logo que possível (mais tardar até dia 9 de Julho) para me informarem se pretendem comparecer no exame de segunda-feira (26 de Julho).

A todos os restantes alunos, votos de boas férias!


Grades for the Second Exam

10 fevereiro 2021, 15:56 Nuno Santos

Dear Students

I'm pleased to announce that the grades for the second exam are out. The final grades have also been updated.

FIX! There was a bug in the correction of question III.1 D. The correct answer is F, not T as it was in the excel sheet. Both the exam and the final grids have been updated to fix this error. Please check your grades again.

In case you want to review your exam tomorrow (see my previous announcement), please send me an email.

I'd urge all of you to validate our final grade and let me know in case you spot any problems. Please do this as soon as possible since I will submit the final grades to the IST services by Friday. After that, it won't be possible to make any changes.

I'd like to take this opportunity to salute every one of you. Unfortunately, it has been a hard year for all of us, and we barely had the chance to meet each other personally. In spite of this adversity, I'm proud that the grades have been so good. I hope you enjoyed the course!

I wish you all the best for your other courses and future theses!


Rules for the Second Exam

6 fevereiro 2021, 20:09 Nuno Santos

Dear students

The 2nd Exam will take place remotely in the same mold as in the 1st Exam. The process will be as follows:

  • Tuesday (9 Feb) at 8h, I will publish a pdf on Moodle with the exam questions; the format of the exam will be similar to the format of the previous exams;
  • 2h later, at 10h, you must upload a pdf of the exam containing your responses. There will be a grace period of 5min for submitting the exam. After that, I will not accept any other submissions. Don't wait until the last minute to submit the pdf. I will not accept any submissions by email under no excuses.
You can submit your responses as a single pdf file generated in one of the following possible ways:

  1. Write your answers directly in the pdf of the exam using Adobe Acrobat Reader, free version; this is possible if you add the text in the form of text fields which can be added in Acrobat Reader's commenting mode; then submit the new pdf file.
  2. Handwrite your answers directly in the pdf of the exam if you have an iPad, for example; submit the new pdf file.
  3. Write your answers in a brand new Word document, and then generate a pdf file.
  4. Print the exam, handwrite your answers, scan it, and submit a single pdf file.
  5. Handwrite your answers in white A4 paper sheets, scan the whole thing, and submit it as a single pdf file.
All sheets of the pdf file that you submit must contain your name and number.

Everyone should join the following Zoom link 10 minutes ahead of time, i.e., on Tuesday at 7h50. You must enable your camera and your mic during the entire exam (mute your speaker), and use as chatroom ID your name and number. If you need to interact with the faculty during the exam, please use the chat terminal. The exam is without consultation.

Zoom link:

I'll let you review your exam (aka revisão de provas) on 11 Feb (Thursday) at 11h-12h via Zoom ( Please send me an email beforehand if you intend to review your exam.

Good luck!

Grades of the first exam

31 janeiro 2021, 14:30 Nuno Santos

Dear students

I've just published both the grades of the 1st exam and the final grades of the course. Please get in touch with me in case you spot any problem.

I'll be available to let you review your exam (aka revisão de provas) on Feb 2nd (Tuesday) at 11h-12h via Zoom ( Please send me an email beforehand if you intend to review your exam. The first exam can be found in the "Course Material" section.

In case you want to attend the second exam, don't forget to enroll via Fenix until Friday, 5 Feb. The registration period is now open.

In preparation for the second exam, I've scheduled some additional office hours to take place on Friday, 5 Feb at 17h30 via Zoom (


Exame: Final update

24 janeiro 2021, 13:51 Nuno Santos

Dear students 

I hope this is my last announcement regarding this exam. As I was uploading the exam questions on Moodle, I was surprised by the fact that someone was answering the questions that I was posting. This obviously means that Moodle was making them public ahead of time.

As you can imagine this is really frustrating as it forces me to do another exam.

Since I don't want to take more risks of leakage, I will not upload the questions to Moodle anymore. Instead, the process will be as follows:

  • Tomorrow at 15h, I will publish a pdf on Moddle with the exam questions; the format of the exam will be similar to the format of previous years;
  • 2h later, at 17h, you must upload a pdf of the exam containing your responses. There will be a grace period of 5min for submitting the exam. After that, I will not accept any other submissions. Don't wait until the last minute to submit the pdf. I will not accept any submissions by email under no excuses.
You can submit your responses as a single pdf file generated in one of the following possible ways:
  1. Write your answers directly in the pdf of the exam using Adobe Acrobat Reader, free version; this is possible if you add the text in the form of text fields which can be added in Acrobat Reader's commenting mode; then submit the new pdf file.
  2. Handwrite your answers directly in the pdf of the exam if you have an iPad, for example; submit the new pdf file.
  3. Write your answers in a brand new Word document, and then generate a pdf file.
  4. Print the exam, handwrite your answers, scan it, and submit a single pdf file.
  5. Handwrite your answers in white A4 paper sheets, scan the whole thing, and submit it as a single pdf file.
All sheets of the pdf file that you submit must contain your name and number.

Update regarding the location for the students doing the exam in person: I've just learned that the IST facilities will be closed. As a workaround, the students doing the exam in person (2 students only) should meet me at the INESC-ID headquarters at 14h30. It's located near the back stairs of IST Alameda. This is the exact location. As you enter the building, please ask to call Nuno Santos, room 503. I will reserve a room so that you can do the exam under the required social distancing conditions.

All the other instructions regarding Zoom still hold.
