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Homework 2 and typos on lecture notes.

28 maio 2010, 11:47 Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo

The second homework was posted on 27/05/2010; check the menu on the left side of this page.

The limit date for the second homework is 18/06/2010 (Friday).


A new version of the lecture notes on linear regression was posted. The previous version had two typos (in equations (4) and (19)) that were detected by Ivo Sousa. Thanks Ivo!


Homework 2

27 maio 2010, 20:11

Homework 1 and lecture notes

25 maio 2010, 20:08


19 abril 2010, 20:13

Lecture notes posted

17 março 2010, 18:11

Corpo Docente

Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo



André Filipe Torres Martins