Últimos anúncios

Lab 4 - Bayes

16 novembro 2020, 11:39 Margarida Silveira

This weeks shifts taught by prof. Margarida will be fully online.This includes the following schedules:
Tue 11:00

Tue 14:00
Tue 17:00
Wed 14:00
Wed 17:00

In addition, the recovery of Lab 3 for these shifts will be scheduled to the week 30/11/2019 to 04/12/2019.
Please check the updated schedule in the Labs and Problems section.

Margarida Silveira

Neural networks Lab

5 novembro 2020, 11:08

Theoretical Class - October 29 (15h30-17h)

28 outubro 2020, 11:30

Problem and Lab Sessions

19 outubro 2020, 20:24

Lab session 1

12 outubro 2020, 11:09

Corpo Docente

Jorge Salvador Marques



Catarina Barata

André Filipe Torres Martins

Margarida Silveira