
Repeat Test Grades

13 julho 2021, 14:20 José Alberto Rodrigues Pereira Sardinha

Dear Students,

I have published the grades of the repeat tests in the "Tests" section. If you wish to request a regrade, please attend the following Zoom session on Thursday, 15/7/2021 at 14:00:

Globally, the final grades are excellent! For all of you, congratulations on the hard work!

Have a nice vacation!

Repeat tests or exam

6 julho 2021, 15:42 José Alberto Rodrigues Pereira Sardinha

Dear Students,

I have allocated a test room for each registered student and you can find your room in the "Tests" section. Please let me know if there is anything wrong.

In addition, please arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the test starts) and follow IST's safety recommendations:

For those planning to repeat one of the tests (either test 1 or test 2), the test starts at 18:30 and ends at 20:00.

For those planning to do the exam, the exam starts at 18:30 and ends at 21:30.

Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Test 2 Grades

29 junho 2021, 10:11 José Alberto Rodrigues Pereira Sardinha

Dear Students,

I have published test 2 grades in the Test section. If you wish to request a regrade, please attend the Zoom session below on July 1 (Thursday) at 14:00.

For those that would like to repeat either test 1 or test 2 on July 07, 2021 (18:30 - 21:30), please register soon so that we can plan everything in advance.

Have a nice vacation!

Information about the second test

15 junho 2021, 10:54 José Alberto Rodrigues Pereira Sardinha

Dear Students,

I have allocated a test room for each registered student and you can find your room in the "Tests" section. Please let me know if there is anything wrong.

In addition, please arrive early (at least 15 minutes before the test starts) and follow IST's safety recommendations:

Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Office hour on Monday

12 junho 2021, 09:19 José Alberto Rodrigues Pereira Sardinha

Dear Students,

I will be available from 13:30 to 14:30 on 14/6 (Monday) to answer questions about the second test.

Please use the following Zoom link:

And please do not forget to register for the test. Thanks!