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Important Announcement: Final Grades available

23 julho 2017, 16:21 Leonel Augusto Pires Seabra de Sousa

Final Grades available! To check the last exam (Época Especial) and corresponding grades: 25/7, 11 am at INESC-ID.

The final grades will be submitted to the Central Services of IST that afternoon, after that, there is no chance of changing/correcting grades. 

Época Especial

19 julho 2017, 23:10

Extra class of doubts

19 julho 2017, 08:05

Época Especial

15 julho 2017, 20:03

Final Grades

14 julho 2017, 19:24

Corpo Docente

Leonel Augusto Pires Seabra de Sousa

