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Final grades
20 junho 2024, 13:53 • Moisés Luzia Gonçalves Pinto
The assessment done at the exam date is now published at the Grades page.
The final table of assessment (including the improved marks at exam date) is now published. Please check all marks and report as soon as possible any possible corrections or questions.These will be considered final to pass to the academic office in upcoming days.
Continous assessment grades.
6 junho 2024, 13:55
Seminars Schedule and rules
13 maio 2024, 18:01
Office hours for Prof. Tiago Fernandes
10 maio 2024, 12:44
Office hours for Prof. Fernanda Carvalho
9 maio 2024, 11:44
Corpo Docente
Maria Fernanda do Nascimento Neves de Carvalho
Tiago Daniel Adriano Fernandes