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Redefining the project

27 outubro 2019, 12:37 Ana Paiva

Dear students,

In the section "Material for the project" you can find two files. One with the presentation from last Wednesday, with the possible robots. 
The other is a .doc file for you to fill in with the new "idea" of your project. 

It is important that you send us the new version for the project by Tuesday, so that on Wednesday we can discuss better the project and the technical needs you may address.


Ideas for projects

21 outubro 2019, 15:51

Problem with the class of today

9 outubro 2019, 10:13

Classes this week!

7 outubro 2019, 12:59

Turno das Quartas Feiras às 9,30/ Wednesdays 9,30 classes

25 setembro 2019, 09:34

Corpo Docente

Ana Paiva
