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Exam evaluation

16 junho 2019, 19:19 José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques

Dear students,

The evaluation of the Exam is already in Fénix.
Students wishing to see the Exam may do so on June 26th, in my Office, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

All the best,

Final Exam - 12/06/2019

7 junho 2019, 08:57

Doubts ... for the Exam

5 junho 2019, 14:34

To see the 2nd Test

5 junho 2019, 14:29

Classification of the 2nd Test and FINAL

5 junho 2019, 14:25

Corpo Docente

José Manuel Vaz Velho Barbosa Marques

