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[RB] - Doubts Clearing Session

1 fevereiro 2023, 10:46 Marília Clemente Velez Mateus

Dear Students,

A new session for clearing doubts on "Biological Reactors" is scheduled for this Friday afternoon:

February 3, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm, room Q4.6 (south tower, Alameda campus).

Best regards,
Marília Mateus and Carla de Carvalho

[RB] - Doubts Clearing Session

4 novembro 2022, 17:25

Place for the discussion of lab reports on the 3rd November

2 novembro 2022, 12:34

Discussion of lab reports on the 27th October

26 outubro 2022, 12:14

Bem vindos a RB !

7 setembro 2022, 11:02

Corpo Docente

Marília Clemente Velez Mateus



Maria Teresa Ferreira Cesário Smolders