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2nd Exam grades

23 fevereiro 2022, 12:53 Inês Lynce

Students will have the opportunity to see the grading of the exam on Thursday (March 3rd) between 9 am and 10 am via Zoom. The grades are now published. The Zoom URL is available in the Office Hours section.

2nd Exam registration

13 fevereiro 2022, 10:32

Exam grades (now available)

30 novembro 2021, 21:05

Project grades are now available (updated Nov23)

19 novembro 2021, 11:24

Project grades

17 novembro 2021, 14:55

Corpo Docente

Inês Lynce



João Miguel De Almeida Vares Coelho

Miguel Afonso Tomás Faria