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Project 1 / Task 3 - Discussion with Groups

20 novembro 2018, 11:34 Paulo Videiro

Discussion with the groups about works of Task3 of Project 1 will be held on Wednesday, November 28, in the following schedule / venue:

Group 1 - 11:10 / GA2 Auditorium

Group 2 - 11:25 / GA2 Auditorium

Group 3 - 11:40 / GA2 Auditorium

Group 4 - 11:55 / GA2 Auditorium

Group 5 - 12:10 / GA2 Auditorium

Group 6 - 12:30 / Meeting Room - CENTEC

Group 7 - 12:45 / Meeting Room - CENTEC


Groups that have any problem with the schedule should contact Professors Paulo Videiro or Bai-Qiao Chen

Project 2 - Task 1

19 novembro 2018, 11:57

Task 3 Q&A

6 novembro 2018, 16:21

Project I results presentation

17 outubro 2018, 16:44

New Schedule

21 setembro 2018, 10:44

Corpo Docente

Carlos Guedes Soares



Baiqiao Chen

Paulo Videiro