Últimos anúncios

Group work | Marks of the first presentation

24 abril 2024, 11:16 Helena Silva Barranha Gomes

Dear Students,
The marks of the preliminary presentation of the group work are now available on the course webpage (see: Trabalho de grupo | Group work).

In case you would like to have further details on the evaluation, we can talk after Friday or Monday's class.
Thank you.

Prof. Helena Barranha

MAP 02 Marks

3 abril 2024, 11:53

MAP 02 | 25th March

23 março 2024, 13:47

MAP 01 Marks

19 março 2024, 16:42

Group Work

16 março 2024, 11:27

Corpo Docente

Helena Silva Barranha Gomes

