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Project award!!!

11 abril 2019, 08:14 José Borbinha

Dear students, we agreed with IDC, the sponsor of the use cases we are using as a reference for the project, to award the best report!!The winner will be the group with the highest grade in the final report delivery (what also will consider the performance at the workshop).

The prize will be a PREMIUM registration, for each member of the group, for the famous conference IDC Directions (https://www.directions.pt/)
Let us have fun ;-)

BTW, we recall that the first delivery deadline is 14 April at 20h00 (FENIX time) and that faculty will be available today after the invited seminary for support...

Case E - grades published

10 abril 2019, 21:10

Change in Planning

10 abril 2019, 12:18

Week 7 (4th April) Feedback Form !!!

7 abril 2019, 12:24

Case G - template is published

4 abril 2019, 18:15

Corpo Docente

José Borbinha



Carlos Mendes