
Notas 2º Exame

9 fevereiro 2010, 22:35 Alexandra Moutinho

As notas do 2º Exame estão disponíveis em Other Information -> Grades.

A revisão de provas será dia 11 Fevereiro, 5ª feira, às 14h.

Project grades available

26 janeiro 2010, 18:02 Alexandra Moutinho

The grades of the Project are available under Other Information -> Grades.

1st Exam grades available

25 janeiro 2010, 10:17 Alexandra Moutinho

The grades of the 1st exam are available under Other Information -> Grades.


12 janeiro 2010, 14:42 Alexandra Moutinho

Since the chapters Network Optimization Models and Metaheurics were evaluated on the project, these two chapters will not appear in the exams.

Metaheuristics assignment - project part 2

9 dezembro 2009, 10:08 Alexandra Moutinho

You find the assignment of metaheuristics for project part 2 in the Project Assignment file under Course Material -> Project.