
Extra office hours

10 janeiro 2021, 18:34 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

Dear all, 

I'll offer extra office hours (in Portuguese: "Aulas de dúvidas") on Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 16h00.
The ZOOM link is the one we used for the theoretical lectures.

Best wishes,

Rules for the exam

7 janeiro 2021, 17:11 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

Dear all,

The exam on January 13 is a closed-book, closed-notes exam (in Portuguese: "Exame sem qualquer tipo de consulta."). 

The exam is 2h30m long and is solved in the designated rooms. Thus, it's not an exam solved online; it's an exam solved in person in the designated rooms (in Portuguese: "Exame é realizado presencialmente.")

The exam has 8 problems, the first 5 problems being of the multiple-choice kind.

In the exam, you can use a calculator that is simple, that is, a calculator that cannot display graphs of functions. 

Best regards,

Project grades

31 dezembro 2020, 14:00 Joao Manuel de Freitas Xavier

Dear all, 

The project grades were released: please see section "Project grades."

Happy New Year!

New office hours

10 dezembro 2020, 08:19 Cláudia Alexandra Magalhães Soares

Dear students 

I have extended office hours for today. Please check on the calendar link.

Project support slots for this week

7 dezembro 2020, 11:59 Cláudia Alexandra Magalhães Soares

Dear students,

Please find the link for the project support slots for this week. For now, I'm scheduling Wednesday but if we run out of slots I will add more options, as necessary. The same link will hold.

To avoid delays in the schedule, use the zoom link in the 'Location' field of the appointment (the same as the project support classes' usual link). Do not use Google Meet or any other link.

Last, but not least:
Thank you, all, for your feedback on how to figure out these interactions in such strange times!