
Lesson Plan 24

28 novembro 2014, 11:00 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco


Three-phase Transformer (Part 1)
Three-phase transformer: representation through the symmetrical components, representation of its balanced regime. Example of analysis and representation under unbalanced operation via a single-phase load: use of symmetrical components.

Laboratory N3

27 novembro 2014, 09:00 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

Synchronous motor operation: Starting characteristics, torque/speed characteristic

Lesson Plan 23

26 novembro 2014, 09:30 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

Constructive aspects of the synchronous machine and its operating principle. Description of the machine in terms of electromagnetic field and in terms of circuits. Representation of synchronous machine in a rotating Cartesian reference solidary with the rotor (Park's model). Damper circuits.

Laboratory N3

24 novembro 2014, 09:00 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

Synchronous motor operation: Starting characteristics, torque/speed characteristic

Laboratory N3

21 novembro 2014, 12:30 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

Three-phase induction machine: variable speed operation.