2nd Exam

16 fevereiro 2022, 15:42 Nuno Mamede

To contact the faculty, whatever the subject, you should use the following address:  meic-ln@disciplinas.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

(1) How to enrol in the 2nd exam
  • You will be able to do it by tomorrow (17/Feb/2022, 09h00) until Wednesday (23/Feb/2022, 12h00).
  • If you want to do the exam in Tagus, choose the option that will take place in A1. The other option is for Alameda.
  • You are free to choose the option that better fits your needs.
(2) Exam rules
  • All students can go to the second exam on February, 25th —15:30.
  • There is no minimum score;
  • This exam contributes 70% to the final grade, and the projects, MP1 and MP2, with the other 30% (rules).
  • The maximum value between the previous evaluation and February evaluation is considered.
  • You have to bring a pen/pencil and an identification card. 
  • No calculator is needed/permitted. 
  • The phone has to be out of reach.
(3) Exam "template"
  • Available on Section “Grades.
(4) Office Hours (aulas de dúvidas) 
  • New office hours available.
(5) Give us your opinion about LN