In this course, each student is expected to subscribe to the highest standards of academic honesty. This means that every idea that is not the student's must be explicitly accredited to the respective author. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.
Plagiarism includes using ideas, code, or sets of solutions from other students or individuals, or any sources other than the course texts, without crediting those sources. Students are encouraged to discuss the problems with other students and should mention this discussion when they submit their results. This mention will NOT influence the grade. Students should not, under any circumstances, show to their classmates, even temporarily, their solutions of the quizes or projects subject to evaluation. In fact, they should not even throw away drafts of the solutions without destroying them first, nor leave the developed code on shared-use computers.
Academic dishonesty also includes copying in exams. In this discipline, these should be taken without consulting any text or other classmates. Receiving or giving help during these exams is an act of academic dishonesty. Situations that could give rise to suspicions of dishonesty (opening backpacks to get paper, looking around instead of concentrating on the exam paper, etc.) should be avoided.
In this couse, academic dishonesty is considered fraud, with all the legal consequences. Any fraud will have the immediate consequence of failing all students involved (including those who enabled it to occur). Any suspicion of academic dishonesty will be reported to the higher bodies of the school for disciplinary action. This may result in failure of the subject, failure of the year, temporary or permanent suspension from IST or even from the University of Lisbon.