IAJ 4th Project and Final Grades

4 fevereiro 2021, 17:34 Pedro Alexandre Simões dos Santos

The grades for the 4th Project are out (in the Quiz and Project Grades section), as well as the final grade calculation. Please check all of your intermediate marks for eventual errors. We cross-checked everything, but if you detect any error please let us know by e-mail. There will be a grade review session on Wednesday, February 10, at 10 AM. Please let me know by email until Tuesday if you are intending to come.  After that, the grade information will be sent to the secretariat and the course will be closed. Last but not least, congratulations on all the good work submitted this semester!
Zoom Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88919040544?pwd=cHpXN0U1dW1Fa0tRNWpBUDRjYWZJZz09