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Global Game Jam

24 novembro 2016, 10:37 João Miguel Dias

Global Game Jam at IST Taguspark in January 2017

Global Game Jam is an international 48h game jam. Some of you have manifested interest in participating in such an event. To understand if it would make sense to host a location for the next event (January 20-22, 2017) at IST Taguspark, we are trying to understand your interest in such an event. Please fill out a one-question survey (it should take less than 30 seconds). Thanks!

Os links ( a azul ) são:

Proj 3

23 novembro 2016, 02:11

Proj 3

23 novembro 2016, 02:10

Follow Path source code

16 novembro 2016, 21:58

Slides for decision making - part2

16 novembro 2016, 12:51

Corpo Docente

João Miguel Dias
