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Final Grades

8 fevereiro 2023, 14:53 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

Dear all, 

You can find the grades of the Exam and MAPS in the Grades tab in the following file. Notice that in some cases, the MAPs grade was not considered becuase you had already used the retake (for MAPS and Exams, you only have 2 chances). The exam and the results are available in the platform.

The final grades that will be uploaded to the academic record are available in following file. In case you have any question, please don hesitate to send an email.  

Best regards
Carlos Santos Silva
Patricia Baptista

Exam 6th February ROOM - CO1

6 fevereiro 2023, 10:46

Exam February 6th - INFO ACTUALIZAÇÃO

30 janeiro 2023, 11:25

FINAL GRADES (Regular season)

30 dezembro 2022, 16:14


19 novembro 2022, 12:55

Corpo Docente

Carlos Augusto Santos Silva



Patrícia Baptista