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GNC Course Grades and Final Examinations

20 junho 2023, 16:30 Paulo Jorge Coelho Ramalho Oliveira

Dear GNC Students,

today the scheduled Project presentations ocurred.

The preliminary results can be found at the sections Evals, in the file entitled "GNC_2223_MAPS_PROJS_EXAMS.pdf"
At the bottom, there is information on the final evaluation of the GNC course.

Congratulations for those that completed the course.
For the interested, please contact me by email, for individual sessions or group sessions for the final phase of the course.

Best regards,
Paulo Oliveira

GNC sessions at the end of semester

5 junho 2023, 10:44

GNC next sessions

1 abril 2023, 13:04

ONLINE Wednesday Project Presentation

7 março 2023, 16:26

Next sessions of GNC classes

27 fevereiro 2023, 10:40

Corpo Docente

Paulo Jorge Coelho Ramalho Oliveira

