Next sessions of GNC classes

27 fevereiro 2023, 10:40 Paulo Jorge Coelho Ramalho Oliveira

Dear GNC students,

notice that a new section entitled  "Oral Recitations" was created, where pdfs of the slides presented (and other materials) will be posted.


I would like to cal your attention to the new Schedule, arranged by me and the students present on the first lesson, last Friday:


The Recitation classes will be on

Fridays  09h00 – 11h00 – Ea4


The Laboratory lessons and Student interviews will be changed (if no student votes against,) according to:

Tuesdays  14h30 – 16h30 – LSDC4

Wednesdays  14h30 – 16h30 - LSDC4


Each group will attend the lab, every week for a period of at least of 15 minutes, to present the evolution of the work.


The topics of projects will be presented on the next laboratory session of March the 7th, from 14h30 to 16h30.


See you all there,

Paulo Oliveira