
Bioinformatics tools for protein structural analysis

17 novembro 2017, 11:00 Arsénio do Carmo Sales Mendes Fialho

Databases; molecular visualization; structural alignments; Comparison of 3D protein structures; structure-based alignments; superimposition of protein structures; molecular surface of proteins; phylogeny; protein structure prediction (secondary and 3D structures)

Bioinformatics tools for protein structural analysis

16 novembro 2017, 09:30 Arsénio do Carmo Sales Mendes Fialho

Databases; molecular visualization; structural alignments; Comparison of 3D protein structures; structure-based alignments; superimposition of protein structures; molecular surface of proteins; phylogeny; protein structure prediction (secondary and 3D structures)

Phospho and redox proteomics / Non 2-DE Expression Proteomics

16 novembro 2017, 08:00 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

New approaches to 2-DE-based expression proteomics. Differencial Gel Electroforesis (DIGE). Global analysis of protein modifications: phospho and glycoproteomics; redox proteomics. Non 2-DE Expression Proteomics approaches: TAP western approach.

Bioinformatics tools for protein structural analysis

15 novembro 2017, 12:30 Arsénio do Carmo Sales Mendes Fialho

Databases; molecular visualization; structural alignments; Comparison of 3D protein structures; structure-based alignments; superimposition of protein structures; molecular surface of proteins; phylogeny; protein structure prediction (secondary and 3D structures)

Expression Proteomics based on 2-DE

13 novembro 2017, 10:30 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Expression Proteomics based on 2-dimensional electrophoresis: context, experimental design, examples and limitations.