Energy Management - Exam registration and general info

3 janeiro 2018, 16:06 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

Dear all

The first exam will take place on January 16th, from 18H30 to 21H00. regarding the exam, here is the generla information:

1 - Please register in the xam until January 12th 2018. If you are not registered, i cannot guarantee that you can make the exam. I need to find colleagues to be presented in the multiple rooms, i need ot print exams, so it is MANDATORY to register.

2 - The xam will last 2H30 and it will have 4 questions. For those of you that want to use the MOOC grade, you will have to answer questiosn 1 to 3 and your exam will last only for 2H. If you stay longer than this, the MOOC grade will not be considered.

3 - Questions 1 to 3 will cover the topics of energy management in general (energy balance, sankey diagrams, energy prices, energy efficiency projects evauation), energy management in industry and enegry management in transportation.

4 - Question 4 (which can be replaced by the MOOC) will cover the topic of energy services and management in buildings

5 - For the exam, you can bring 1 sheet/2 pages of formulas, but not solved diagrams. 

6 - You should also bring a calculator, the ue of mobile phone will not be allowed. On the exam desk, you are only allowed to have your own formulaire, the calculator and a pen to answer the exam. A couple of white pages for drafts are allowed.

To prepare for the exams, review all the problems classes and the exams from last year (older exams may not be a good reference)

Best regards

Carlos Silva