
Problem class 7: axions in plasmas

2 fevereiro 2022, 15:30 Hugo Terças

Electromagnetic tensor. The dual electromagnetic tensor. Axion-field interaction Lagrangian. Linearization of the axion-plasma problem. Axion-plasmon polariton dispersions.

Axions in plasmas

1 fevereiro 2022, 13:30 Hugo Terças

The strong CP problem. The Peccei-Quinn mechanism as a Higgs inspired model to restore the CP symmetry. The axion as the dynamical field and the effective electrodynamics. Modification of Maxwells equations. Mixing between axions and plasmons. 


31 janeiro 2022, 12:00 Hugo Terças


Problem class 6: waves in quantum plasmas

26 janeiro 2022, 15:30 Hugo Terças

Linearization of the Wigner-Moyal equation. Notion of quantum recoil and the impact in the formal expression for the dielectric constant. The degenerate electron gas limit.

Introduction to quantum plasmas

25 janeiro 2022, 13:30 Hugo Terças

Regimes of quantum plasmas: transition from classical to quantum plasmas. Basic quantities describing quantum plasmas. The collective electron wave function and the Hartree approximation. Fluid equations and the Bohm potential. The Wigner-Moyal equation as a kinetic equation governing quantum plasmas.