
Lesson 13

24 novembro 2016, 08:00 Ana Fonseca Galvão

1. Environmental impact of urban actions in water (climatic challenges)

2.Measures to increase sustainable performance in water and effluents. Examples.

Practical Class

17 novembro 2016, 11:30 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

Define solutions Factor 10 (A++) one for each element of the group

Lecture 12

17 novembro 2016, 10:00 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

1. Environmental impact of urban actions in materials, socio economic aspects and ways if life; 2. Measures to increase sustainable performance in materials, social and economic;. 3. Life cycle assessment and costs. Examples

Lecture 11

17 novembro 2016, 08:00 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

1. Environmental impact of urban actions in the energy and carbon; 2. Measures to increase sustainable in the energy  and carbon; 3. Material (LCA); 4.  Examples / Near zero energy and carbon neutral

Practical Class

10 novembro 2016, 11:30 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

Begin work 2. Define solutions Factor 2 or 4 (A and A+) for each element of the group.