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Final Grades
6 fevereiro 2024, 10:47 • Miguel Amaral
Dear Students,
Your final grades are available.
The different components of the evaluation were assessed by taking into account the several topics/criteria that we discussed in class (and which are also mentioned in the Syllabus).
We have to say Congratulations! In general your projects and final grades where very good, you have participated actively in classes and worked in a very practical, autonomous and productive way. In general, your ideas evolved very well since the beginning until the end of the project. Thank you very much for your attendance, interest and excellent collaboration, we hope you enjoyed the process, while learning, acquiring and improving some skills that will be relevant for you in the future..
If you have some questions regarding the grades (or if you detect some glitch/imprecision) just send us an e-mail as soon as possible - until the end of today - please. Tomorrow we will officially publish the grades and close the semester.
All the best for your professional and personal life - let us stay in touch.
Miguel Amaral / Diogo Gonçalves
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