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Rules for the Exams

14 janeiro 2020, 09:52 Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos

Please take into account the following rules for the exams:

1.     The exam has duration of 2.5 h.

2.     It is worth trying different resolutions, either comparing or trying to improve results.

3.     All statements must be justified.

4.     All results should be interpreted.

5.     Wrong statements and calculations are valued negatively.

6.     Synthesis, presentation and clarity are valued positively.

7.     If the final answer in a given question (alínea) is dimensionally wrong, the question may be graded with zero points.

8.     The exam must be written on exam paper, with each group on a different sheet.

9.     A calculator may be necessary; only scientific calculatores (not graphical) are allowed.

10.   The exame is "closed book" (sem consulta).

Corpo Docente

Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos

