
Moodle enrollment

21 setembro 2020, 15:10 Rui Valadas

The tests and quizzes of the course will use moodle. Please check ASAP that you can access and are properly enrolled. The link is here.

Lab groups and Skype

21 setembro 2020, 10:46 Rui Valadas

We will use Skype for the lab work. Please send me your Skype name ASAP. In Skype you must be identified by your fist and last name.

Please send information on the group members ASAP.

Classes this week

21 setembro 2020, 10:33 Rui Valadas

This week only the Thursday class (14:00-15:30) will be given. I will introduce the course and explain how we will work together. I need you all to be present (either in person or remotely). For those that want to be in person, the room is 0-9. The zoom link for the class can be found in the DDRS roadmap (here).

Installation of R studio

19 setembro 2020, 18:35 Rui Valadas

The lab exercises of DDRS will be performed using R. Please install R studio (or equivalent) in your personal computers.

Trabalhos laboratoriais e formação de grupos

12 setembro 2020, 12:08 Rui Valadas

O trabalhos laboratoriais de DDRS serão realizados usando o R (, uma plataforma computacional que tem ganho grande importância no contexto da análise de desempenho, do dimensionamento, e da aprendizagem automática (machine learning).

Os grupos de trabalho serão de 2 elementos, devendo um elemento ser do turno A e outro do turno B.