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DDRS feedback

6 fevereiro 2021, 18:29 Rui Valadas

Please fill the moodle quiz on DDRS feedback, which will help me in improving the future editions of this course. The link is https://moodle.deec.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/mod/feedback/view.php?id=601. Your help is most appreciated. The quiz is anonymous.

Grades of test repetitions and final grades

5 fevereiro 2021, 22:23

Questioning periods for the repetition of tests

25 janeiro 2021, 19:59

Repetition of 1st and 2nd tests

25 janeiro 2021, 19:46

Grades of 2nd test and final grades

13 janeiro 2021, 10:02

Corpo Docente

Rui Valadas

