Exam 1-Checking information and rules

3 julho 2021, 18:04 S M Sohel Murshed

Exam1-Checking information and rules  (Read Carefully):

1) Checking of Exam 1 will take place remotely (Zoom) on 5th July (Monday) at 10:30. 

Following two Zoom sessions will run separately and registered students will be asked for the part(s) they want to check. 

- Session 1 for part 1 (Q1-11 and Problems 1&2 by Prof. SM): https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/5466262464

- Session 2 for part 2 (Q12 and Problem 3 by Prof. JN):  https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/86784160536

If any student wants to check both parts, they must first join session 1 and then session 2. Students will join in zoom waiting room and will be called from there according to their registration order (time-based). 

2) Registration for exam checking is compulsory by emailing the signed checking registration form (available in subsection-"Exam-Checking" of Section-Exams-2021) by 09:30 on 5th July 2021.

3) Checking is intended to identify gross correction errors. 

4) Each student will have upto 10-12 mins/session. Thus, students must consult answers and resolutions available in fenix (subsection-Exam 1-resolutions) and download review request form (available in subsection- ?Exam-Checking?) before joining the checking session(s). During checking students may be asked to write their review request. It is noted that in the review request, students must describe clearly and succinctly which elements need to be reviewed and why.

5) Any specific review request will be assessed. If it is necessary the entire exam paper (except quiz) will be revaluated and the final grade may remain the same, go up, or go down.

6) Requests for review which are not duly justified, vague or subjective will be rejected.