
Final grades of special exame

30 julho 2021, 18:38 S M Sohel Murshed

Final grades of Special exam are posted (attached file) in section-“Grades/Notas 2021”.

Special Exam grade and checking

29 julho 2021, 20:47 S M Sohel Murshed

Special exam provisional grades are posted (attached file) in section-“Grades/Notas 2021”. 

Checking will take place tomorrow at 16:30 remotely (Zoom). Zoom information and checking guidline provided in the exam checking section. Registration for this Exam (special) checking is compulsory by emailing the signed checking registration form (available in subsection-"Exam-Checking" of Section-Exams-2021) by 15:30 tomorrow (30th July 2021).
 Resolutions and answers are already available in sub section-“SpecialExam-resolutions” under Section- “Exams-2021”.

List of students for Special Exam

22 julho 2021, 13:04 S M Sohel Murshed

The exam will take place on 27th July at 18:00 in Room: V0.04

List of registered students for AHT/CTC-Special Exam-2021

63981Filipe Pedro Mil-HomensV0.04
67881Teresa Raquel Morais Teixeira Serrão GomesV0.04
70825Joana Pinto SaraivaV0.04
73653Nuno Neves de Pina FerreiraV0.04
80902Guilherme Costa SimesV0.04
83923Luis Maria Mesquita e Carmo de Jardim AnjosV0.04
84238Diogo Miguel Nunes GonçalvesV0.04
84243Fábio Sabino de FigueiredoV0.04
84331Rafael Gonçalves MoreiraV0.04
84538Diogo António Batanete FerreiraV0.04
84539Duarte Miguel Niza Meira JesusV0.04
86351Francisco Fradique Carvalhinho QuelhasV0.04
86813Alexandre Manuel Nunes GouveiaV0.04
87145Ana Beatriz Soares MendesV0.04
87246Maria Santos AmorimV0.04
87282Ricardo Jorge Ferreira AmaralV0.04
87298Vinicius Silva BuenoV0.04
90219Beatriz Baltazar Pereira Isidro (ist190219)V0.04
90324Mariana Fernandes GagoV0.04
90326Mariana Pires Gonçalves Toco DiasV0.04
90571José Pedro De Carvalho Molarinho Monraia RaloV0.04
90795Francisco Patrício Mota Silva TevesV0.04
98501Ana Margarida Pina da AjudaV0.04
98602Ricardo BentoV0.04
98733Filipe de Sepúlveda Santos JorgeV0.04
100623Margarida Isabel Gonçalves Assis FernandesV0.04

Important information about Special exam/Epoca Especial

22 julho 2021, 11:21 S M Sohel Murshed

Special exam/Epoca Especial 

Syllabus and Evaluation/Programa e Avaliação 

-The special exam is about all the syllabus delivered in this course (UC)/  época especial é sobre todo o programa de estudos ministrado neste UC.

-Evaluation of special exam(updated)/ Avaliação do  época especial (actualizado):

According to the new instructions from the pedagogical council (Conselho Pedagógico) on 13th July, the laboratory component will be included in the evaluation of special exam. For students who have done the laboratory work this year or have a grade in 2019/20, the weight of the Laboratory work for the final grade is wlab= 0.15 (i.e., 15%), while for all other students the weight is wlab=0. 

De acordo com as novas instruções do Conselho Pedagógico de 13 de Julho de 2021, a componente laboratorial será incluída na avaliação do  época especial. Para os alunos que realizarem o trabalho laboratorial neste ano letivo, bem como para aqueles que tenham obtido notas nesse trabalho em 2019/20, o peso na nota final é wlab= 0,15 (i.e., 15%). Para os restantes alunos, o peso é wlab=0. 

Also please read carefully all information in notice and in the rules and guidelines (in attached file) available in Section- "Exams-2021"

Exam 2- problem 2 resolution-supplementary information

20 julho 2021, 01:14 S M Sohel Murshed

Supplementary information(to better and easy understand) problem 2 of exam 2 are added in its resolution available in corresponding section.