
Problem (Part IIA)- Radiation-Fundamentals (online class)

14 abril 2021, 12:00 S M Sohel Murshed

Brief discussion on concept and theoretical background of common view factor, resistance network, radiation exchange in enclosure, methods of solving radiative problem. Then two problems (#1&4) were discussed and solved.

Part IIA- Radiation-Properties of Gases(1) (online class)

14 abril 2021, 10:30 S M Sohel Murshed

Lectured on following topics from radiative properties of gases:


-Types of molecular energy states

-Radiative transitions

-Line radiation and broadening mechanisms

-Effect of this single line on the total intensity

Problem (Part IIA)- Radiation-Fundamentals (online class)

13 abril 2021, 10:00 S M Sohel Murshed

Brief discussion on concept and theoretical background of common view factor, resistance network, radiation exchange in enclosure, methods of solving radiative problem. Then two problems (#1&4) were discussed and solved.

Part IIA- Radiation-Fundamentals (2) (online class)

12 abril 2021, 12:30 S M Sohel Murshed

Lectured on following topics from the fundamentals of radiation:

- Reviewing last lecture

- Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) (continue)

- Radiative energy density and heat flux

- Radiative energy balance at a CV

- Overall energy balance equation

Experimental test

12 abril 2021, 08:30 S M Sohel Murshed

To be followed: Brief discussion on the laboratory topics which are boiling and condensation. Then introducing components/devices of the experimental setup and data acquisition and demonstrating on how to perform the experiment in the first part. In the second part, monitoring students performing the experiments and verifying results.