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2nd Exam Grades

3 fevereiro 2019, 21:57 Carlos Ribeiro

Dear students,

The grades after the second exam are available.

You may consult your exam on Thursday the 7th of February at 10:00 in a room next to the lab.

You should all check the grades published today even if you have attended only the 1st exam because these are the grades that will be officially registered. I urge you to contact me if you detect any mistake.


Support Classes

24 janeiro 2019, 14:48

Exam registrations & support classes

23 janeiro 2019, 09:05

1st Exam Grades

16 janeiro 2019, 15:06

Lab Grades

10 janeiro 2019, 11:35

Corpo Docente

Carlos Ribeiro



Manuel Goulão