
Registration for the Exam

7 junho 2017, 16:28 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Dear Students,

If you plan to do the exam, please do not forget to register no later that 12 June, 12h.
This registration process if of utmost importance to make the planning.
There is no guarantee that there will be an exam available for those who do not register.

Registration for the Exam

7 junho 2017, 16:28 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Dear Students,

If you plan to do the exam, please do not forget to register no later that 12 June, 12h.
This registration process if of utmost importance to make the planning.
There is no guarantee that there will be an exam available for those who do not register.

Aula de Dúvidas / Extra Classes

7 junho 2017, 14:01 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Caros Alunos,
Realizar-se-ão as seguintes aulas de dúvidas de CMU antes do 1º exame:

- Tagus - sexta-feira, dia 9 de Junho às 16h (sala A5)
- Alameda  - sexta-feira, dia 9 de Junho às 11h (sala FA1).


Dear Students,
There will be the following CMU extra-classes before the 1st exam:
- Tagus - Friday, June 9 at 4pm (room A5)
- Alameda - Friday, June 9 at 11am (room FA1).
Best regards.

Project Discussions and Demos

23 maio 2017, 01:20 Rodrigo Bruno

The schedules and demo guides are available under 'Labs Classes' section.

Students should prepare their demonstrations and bring everything ready to run.

CMU - final date for the delivery of the project

9 maio 2017, 13:17 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Dear Students,

The  final date for the delivery of the CMU project is May 19, no later than 23h59.
Note that this is a hard deadline for both the code and the report; you can obviously deliver the project sooner.