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Exam grades, revision of grades and oral exams

26 janeiro 2012, 11:10 João Lourenço

Dear students,

The exam grades are available on Fenix as well as the exam questions and their indicative answers. The revision of the exam grades will be held on January 30th (Monday), from 12:00 to 13:00, in office 2-N8.24. The oral exams for the students with grades higher than 17 will be held on the same day and place at 14:00.

Best wishes,
Rui Marques and João Lourenço

Exam doubts

17 janeiro 2012, 15:59

exam doubts

17 janeiro 2012, 10:53

Corpo Docente

Rui Domingos Ribeiro da Cunha Marques



João Lourenço