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Support material

14 janeiro 2021, 16:14 Cláudia Antunes

Exams only cover the topics exposed and discussed in our lessons.

We have a thorough enumeration of them in the Support Material section, including links  for all videos produced (topics and lessons)  and bibliographic references.
Today, I made available a PDF file with the files shown along the discussion of the Deloitte case study in  the same section.

Project grades

12 janeiro 2021, 23:50

Exam registering and Support hours

6 janeiro 2021, 16:01

Last Lab available

13 dezembro 2020, 16:52

NETFLIX FILM - The Social Dilemma

10 dezembro 2020, 14:39

Corpo Docente

Cláudia Antunes



André Patrício

Francisco Faria Barata