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Proofreading and Oral exams
13 julho 2020, 12:32 • Maria do Rosário De Oliveira Silva
Proofreading: 15 July 2020, 11:00 am
Zoom Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/98470618082?pwd=Q2hlNGRsU2krRlRZcytxd2pHa2kvUT09
Oral: Students that verify the conditions to go to the oral exam and want to do it have to send me an email until 14 July 2020.
10 Jul 2020 Tests
9 julho 2020, 19:38
Extra Classes -
6 julho 2020, 15:05
2nd Test proofreading
4 julho 2020, 08:28
2nd Test - 26 Jun2020
25 junho 2020, 18:59
Corpo Docente
Maria do Rosário De Oliveira Silva