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Essay "Topics in Stem Cell Bioengineering"

28 março 2024, 13:34 Maria Margarida Fonseca Rodrigues Diogo

Dear Students,

Following a request from one of your colleagues I would like to give you some general guidelines for the preparation of the essay "Topics in Stem Cell Bioengineering". 

In this essay, you are asked to prepare a power point presentation (maximum 25 slides) with your vision of a certain topic (that you previously selected) of the field of Stem Cell Bioengineering. The slides should be organized with the same structure of a review paper but instead of writing a text you should present the information in a more graphical manner with some text associated. 

You should start by presenting a cover followed by an introduction section. Then you should present the topic organized in the different sections that compose it, according to your vision that you captured from reading papers in the literature. As a random example, if your topic is "Stem cell based-strategies for cancer therapy", each section may be one of the strategies. You should finish with some conclusions and future perspectives and a list of the references that you used.  

Please get in touch if you still need more information.

Best regards

Margarida Diogo  

Alternative Date - Paper Quiz II

26 março 2024, 20:42

Slides of the Seminars of Stem Cell Bioengineeirng

24 março 2024, 21:49

Power Point Slides for the Seminar Presentations - Deadline for delivery

19 março 2024, 14:21

Essay "Topics in Stem Cell Bioengineering"

18 março 2024, 14:22

Corpo Docente

Maria Margarida Fonseca Rodrigues Diogo



Cláudia Lobato da Silva