2nd Test / Exams

24 dezembro 2009, 00:55 Sara Madeira


- The chapter "Probabilistic Models" was not teached and thus WILL NOT be evaluated.

- The 2n Test will take 1h30 (starting at 9.00).

- The following chapters will be evaluated:  Motif Finding, (theoretical classes, and laboratory assessment),  Clustering and Biclustering (theoretical classes, laboratory assessment, and exercises with algorithm CCC-Biclustering), and  Graphs (theoretical classes).


- The exam will take 3h00 and have two parts: the first corresponding to the 1st Test (1h30) and the 2nd corresponding to the second test (1h30).

- During the 1st Exam (taking place together with the 2nd Test), students can decide whether to do only the 2nd Test or the full exam (students willing to do only the 2nd Test will leave the room after one hour and a half). 

- Students that fail on the 1st Exam (or by doing the 1st and 2nd Tests) can do the 2nd Exam.

- Students willing to improve their grade can do it at the 2nd Exam (the best classification will be considered).

2ND TEST / 1st EXAM - Applications are NOW open

Students willing to do the 2st Test/Exam, taking place on Monday 11/01/2010 at 09:00, must perform the application ("Inscrição") throught Fénix.

The applications are opened until Saturday 09/01/2011 at 09:00 (48 hours before the Test/Exam).