Últimos anúncios

Mid term test: Evaluation results

7 novembro 2016, 23:10 Alberto Manuel Ramos da Cunha

The results of the mid term test (31st October) are available in the "Evaluation results" section.

The review of the test is scheduled for 11 November, 9:30, Informática II building, office 2.

3rd Lab Work

1 novembro 2016, 15:26

Office hours: 26th Oct 08:00 - 09:30

20 outubro 2016, 17:08

Extra lecture next Thursday, 20th October, 11:00 - 12:30

18 outubro 2016, 19:17

Lab installation

13 outubro 2016, 07:46

Corpo Docente

Alberto Manuel Ramos da Cunha

